One mount,countless uses.
A challenge for the modern reloader is sometimes we have more presses, calibers, case prep tools or desktop gadgets than available bench space. Trying to work in a crowded, cramped space is not an enjoyable thing. This is where the quick change system comes in. By using 1 or 2 of the quick change Ultramounts, you can have one press mounted, but store the rest of your equipment up and out of the way on the wall using our QC storage docks. Maybe you bring your press into the house from the garage after reloading, take it to the weekend cabin, a buddies house, etc. It literally takes 30 seconds to remove it, stow it and swap it out with another. It has the ROCK solid rigidity of a fixed mount with the convenience and efficiency of quick change. Check the reviews, ask around, you will find it is the most recommended, versatile, purpose built mounting system in the world.
How to create a quick change Ultramount system.
1. Select one quick change mount height from below. Flush mount QC base, 9 3/4" tall, 7.5" tall, or 4" tall Ultramount.
2. Then select 1 quick change top plate (Here) for each press you want to lock in/out of your mount. Also look (Here) for quick change top plates for vises, trimmers, primer seaters, barrel vise, etc. And look (Here) for even MORE frequently requested custom top plates.
3. Consider a wall mount single or double QC storage dock below to store the unmounted quick change top plates.
4. Take back control of your workspace with super rigid, purpose built, space saving equipment.
For bench planning purposes, here are downloadable PDF's of the 3 different height mount footprint & layouts.
4" Tall Micro (Here)
7 1/2" Tall Junior (Here)
9 3/4" Tall Ultramount (Here)
Note: If you don't see the Quick change top plate you want, please send me a quick email ( asking about the press/tool/item you have.
At last count, we have over 900 additional templates available in our archives such as vintage presses, vises, grinders, chainsaw sharpeners, drill press, case trimmers and all kinds of garage/shop related tools. If it can fit on a quick change plate, we have probably done it.
But, If we don't have the item drawing you need in our inventory, no worries! I will email you a template to fill out or just click: (Here) to download it. Then trace your items footprint and bolt pattern and mail it to me at the address on the template. I will make up a custom top plate for you. 99% of the time, custom made quick change top plates are only a whopping $15 more than a stock plate, which is a heck of a deal for workbench versatility and space savings. What else could you put on a QC plate to save space?
A thoughtful, well done review on InLine Fab quick change gear from John Snow at Outdoor Life (Here)
Youtube Videos (Here)
Videos, demos:
Quick change press mounting system. One mount, countless uses.

LYMAN universal press stand to InLine Fab Quick change conversion base plate (Only used to convert your factory Lyman universal press stand to accept InLine Fab quick change top plates)
Ok, so your wife bought you one for a gift, or maybe you had one too many drinks while surfing the web and accidentally ended up with a Lyman Unive...